IPNet: Inverse Problems Network

The IPNet is a free network for researchers working the area of Inverse and/or Ill-Posed Problems. The newsletter ‘IPNet Digest’ regularly publishes notices and scientific queries of general interest to this community.

IPNet has been generously managed by Patricia Lamm and hosted by Michigan State University for about 30 years. In February 2023 a transition with provisional hosting by the Finnish Inverse Problems Society (fips) and the University of Helsinki took place.

The goals of the IPNet remain unchanged, and subscriptions will continue to be free.
However, all current users must resubscribe in order to continue to receive the IPNet Digest.  To do so, please fill out the form at

Submissions to the IPNet Digest should be sent to submit-ipnet@helsinki.fi


IPNet Digests 2024.pdf

IPNet Digests 2023.pdf

IPNet Digests 2022.pdf

IPNet Digests 2021.pdf

IPNet Digests 2020.pdf

IPNet Digests 2019.pdf

IPNet Digests 2018.pdf

IPNet Digests 2017.pdf

IPNet Digests 2016.pdf

IPNet Digests 2015.pdf

IPNet Digests 2014.pdf

IPNet Digests 2013.pdf

IPNet Digests 2012.pdf

IPNet Digests 2011.pdf

IPNet Digests 2010.pdf

IPNet Digests 2009.pdf

IPNet Digests 2008.pdf

IPNet Digests 2007.pdf

IPNet Digests 2006.pdf

IPNet Digests 2005.pdf

IPNet Digests 2004.pdf

IPNet Digests 2003.pdf

IPNet Digests 2002.pdf

IPNet Digests 2001.pdf

IPNet Digests 2000.pdf

IPNet Digests 1999.pdf

IPNet Digests 1998.pdf

IPNet Digests 1997.pdf

IPNet Digests 1996.pdf

IPNet Digests 1995.pdf

IPNet Digests 1994.pdf